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Acutifolia Cotoneaster

Acutifolia Cotoneaster (Peking Cotoneaster)  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Cotoneaster acutifolius | Zones 4-7 | Soil: Widely Moist, Loamy, Well-Drained

Peking Cotoneaster is a deciduous shrub that typically grows 6-10’ tall and wide.  Works great as either a hedge or a windbreak/living snow fence.   Berries provide a good food source for birds and other animals.

Amur River Privet

Amur River Privet  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Ligustrum amurense | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Widely Moist, Loamy, Well-Drained

Amur River is one of the most popular hedge shrubs in the United States.  Fast growing, cold hardy, and very low maintenance.   It can be trimmed to any size and shape.

American Hazelnut

American Hazelnut (Filbert)

Corylus americana| Zones 4-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The American Filbert is a multi-stemmed shrub with a rounded top and an open, often wide-spreading base. Because of its size, it is adapts well to naturalizing and other nonformal areas. It bears annual, abundant crops of small, sweet tasting nuts. It will bear in 2-3 years after planting. The nuts are easy to crack and drop free of the husk when mature. (Plant multiple trees with the same flowering time to ensure pollination) 

American Plum

American Plum

Prunus americana | Zones 3-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

A thicket-forming shrub or small tree with short trunk, many spreading branches, broad crown, showy large white flowers, and red plums. American plum is a small, understory tree to 35 ft. with fragrant, white showy flowers occurring before the leaves in spring. The fruit that follows ripens to a shiny, bright red in August or September. Fall foliage ranges from electric red to pale yellow.  The plums are eaten fresh and used in preserves, and are also consumed by many kinds of birds.       

American Sycamore

American Sycamore SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Platanus occidentalis | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

The American Sycamore is one of the largest hardwood trees in North America – often reaching heights of 100’ or more.  A great shade tree!  The large leaves give the tree a very full appearance.   Wild birds such as finch, chickadees, and juncos eat the seeds.    

Antonovka Apple

Antonovka Apple

Malus Antonovka | Zones 3-6 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

What are Antonovka apples, you may ask. They are a winter producing group of apple trees originally from Russia. Antonovka fruit trees are often used as a rootstock to add cold hardiness to other apple types that can be grafted in. They are also used for seedling trees in northern areas. Topped at 30” to facilitate aggressive growth. 

Arnold Hawthorn

Arnold Hawthorn   SOLD OUT FOR 2024  

Crataegus mollis | Zones 3-7 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The Arnold Hawthorn is a small tree or shrub – growing 15-30’ tall.   Beautiful clusters of white flowers in spring are followed by bright red berries in summer.   The fruit can be made into jams and jellies.

Bitternut Hickory

Bitternut Hickory    

Carya cordiformis| Zones 4-9 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained, Sandy

Bitternut hickory is a large, native north American tree, best reserved for larger landscapes. It has large, compound leaves, a 1 inch, four-part nut, and yellow fall color.

Black Walnut

Black Walnut

Juglans nigra | Zones 4-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The black walnut is a Chicago-area native tree that provides excellent shade for large properties. It needs to be sited with care, since the tree produces a chemical that is toxic to some other plants. The fruit is a rounded, yellow-green husk, containing a nut that is a food source for squirrels.

Black Chokeberry

Black Chokeberry (Aronia)

Aronia melanocarpa | Zones 3-8 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The Black Chokeberry is a dependable landscape shrub.   Loved by rabbits and deer.  Only one plant is required for adundant fruiting.  The berries can be used for juices, jams, jellies, and wines.

Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Buddleja | Zones 5-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

Hummingbirds and butterflies love this beautiful perennial.   The flowers resemble lilacs due to their heavily flowered plumes.  In zones 5 or higher it is a perennial.  In zone 4 it will die back to the ground but most likely resprout and bloom each year.

Button Bush

Button Bush

Cephalanthus occidentalis | Zones 5-11 | Soil: Loamy, Well-Drained

Buttonbush is a multi-stemmed shrub which grows 6-15’ tall.   It is well-suited for wet soils.  Ducks, shorebirds, and other water birds consume the tasty seeds.  Top butterfly attractant.

Chinese Chestnut

Chinese Chestnut SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Castanea mollissima | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained, Sandy, Loamy 

As the American chestnut struggles with disease, the blight-resistant Chinese chestnut is quickly gaining popularity. The sweet-tasting nuts are often roasted for holiday eating and have been made famous in turkey stuffing recipes across the country.

But this is more than a nut tree. The shade of its spreading canopy is dense, providing relief in the hot, dry climates the Chinese chestnut does well in.

Common Ninebark

Common Ninebark 

Physocarpus opulifolius | Zones 2-7 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

Ninebark is a cold hardy, tough, native shrub for mixed borders. Pinkish-white flower clusters in late spring, persistent seed capsules and exfoliating bark adds to the seasonal interest. 

Common (Bartlett) Pear

Common (Bartlett) Pear  

Pyrus communis | Zones 4-6 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 


The #1 pear worldwide!  Starts bearing at a young age and is very productive. Fruit features a smooth, firm texture and a juicy, spicy taste. Harvest in late August. Topped at 30” to facilitate aggressive growth.  Contains thorns.


Cottonwood (Male)

Cottonwood (Male)  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Populus | Zones 2-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable (no clay)

Cottonwood is a rapid growing tree and becomes very large with age. Sexes are separate. Male catkins show colorful red stamens in the spring. Tree form is upright spreading with an oval to rounded crown. The glossy medium green leaves are 3-5″ long and equally wide. Fall color is yellow. Because of the tree’s large size and tendency for branches to break in wind and ice storms, Cottonwood is usually not recommended for residential landscapes or other small properties. It is a good tree for highway and park plantings where little maintenance is possible.


Cranberrybush (Highbush Cranberry)    

Viburnum trilobum | Zones 2-7 | Soil: Widely Adaptable


Excellent fall foliage color which may be yellow, red, orange or burgundy is just one of the many attributes of this large and attractive native shrub. Showy, snow-white, flat-topped flowers are 3"-4 1/2" in diameter that bloom in mid to late May. Beginning in September, bright red fruits serve as food for birds and wildlife. Grows 8'-12' high with an equal spread. Prefers good, well-drained, moist soil and partial shade to full sun.


This is NOT a true Cranberry (it’s a member of the Honeysuckle family).


Domestic Apple

Domestic (Common) Apple

Malus domestica | Zones 4-6 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The Domestic Apple has excellent wildlife value.  In the spring, fragrant apple blossoms will please local bee populations as they collect nectar and pollen. The insects attracted to the trees will surely bring in a variety of birds. In the fall and winter, deer and other mammals will certainly appreciate the much needed food source. Topped at 30” to facilitate aggressive growth. 

Eastern Redbud

Eastern Redbud  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Cercis canadensis | Zones 4-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

Rosy pink flowers appear in April. Reddish-purple leaves change to dark green, then to yellow. Forms a spreading, graceful crown. Full sun or light shade. Partial shade preferred in windy, dry areas. Grows to 20' to 30', 30' spread.



Sambucus canadensis | Zones 3-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

Fast growing shrub with whitish flowers in late spring early summer. Bears a purple-black fruit in August. Makes excellent wine and jam.  This species flowers in June to July depending on the part of the country in which it is found. Bees, wasps, and beetles are strongly attracted to the flowers. Fruits ripen in August to September and are eaten by many species of birds and mammals.


Forsythia SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' | Zones 4-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

Forsythias are flowering shrubs that belong to the olive family.   Low maintenance and fast growing – the brilliant yellow flowers are one of the first signs of spring – appearing before their leaves.



Celtis occidentalis| Zones 3-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

The hackberry, while often forgotten by casual consumers, is commonly heralded by tree experts as “one tough tree.” Found on a wide range of soils east of the Rockies from southern Canada to Florida, these trees thrive in a broad span of temperatures and on sites that vary from 14 to 60" of annual rainfall. They can even stand up to strong winds and tolerate air pollution.

All of this hardiness adds up to a good landscape choice, particularly if you’re looking for an energy-conserving shade tree that doesn’t require watering.


Ironwood (Hornbeam)  SOLD OUT FOR 2024 

Ostrya virginiana | Zones 3-9 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained

Ironwood is a tough understory tree with gray bark.  The common name is derived from the hardness of the wood and the hoppy fruit of the tree.  Does not tolerate road salt.

Lucidus Cotoneaster

Lucidus Cotoneaster (Hedge Cotoneaster)  SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Cotoneaster aculucidus ifolius | Zones 4-7 | Soil: Widely Moist, Loamy, Well-Drained

Hedge Cotoneaster is a vigorous shrub.  The leaves turn brilliant shades of yellow/red in fall.   Very dense branching structure make this a top hedge choice.

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash (Rowan) SOLD OUT FOR 2024

Sorbus americana | Zones 3-5 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

This small native tree's dark green leaves turn yellow, orange and reddish-purple in the fall. Showy white spring flowers are followed by large clusters of flame-red, berry-like fruit loved by birds. Likes acidic soil with good drainage, full sun to light shade. Grows to 10'–30'.

This is NOT a true ash (it’s a member of the rose family), so it’s immune to the Emerald Ash Borer.

Myrobalan Plum

Myrobalan (Cherry) Plum

Prunus cerasifera | Zones 4-6 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

Ornamental plum grown for its attractive purple foliage. It is a shrubby twiggy tree with a rounded crown and spreading branches often vase-shaped with dense foliage.  It is adaptable to many soil conditions but needs full sun.  Plant as a specimen, in a border or a small group as a screen or hedge.  Topped at 30” to facilitate aggressive growth. 



Viburnum lentago | Zones 2-8 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

Nannyberry is grown as a large shrub or a small tree reaching 15 to 20 feet high, known for its dark, lustrous green leaves which turn maroon-red in the fall. This Midwest native is typically found in woodlands and wood edges, a great plant for naturalizing.

Northern Catalpa

Northern Catalpa

Catalpa speciosa | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Widely Adaptable

Catalpa is a Midwest native tree that grows 40 to 60 feet tall, with a narrow, open, irregularly rounded crown and spreading branches. It has large, heart-shaped leaves and large clusters of fragrant, white flowers. The long, interesting seed pods persist through the winter. Northern catalpa is very adaptable to adverse conditions, but has weak wood and branch structure.

American Persimmon


Diospyros virginiana | Zones 5-9 | Soil: Well-Drained 

Deer browse the leaves and twigs of the common persimmon, the tree’s greatest benefit to deer and other wildlife comes from its orange, oval fruit. This colorful fruit is about the diameter of a quarter and is high in carbohydrates, starches, iron, potassium, sugar, and vitamin C. The fruit ripens on the tree after the first frost, so in the fall, it is a high energy source for deer that helps them build body reserves for the winter.  Note:   This is a zone 5 tree. It is not recommended for Central WI or north. 

Quaking Aspen

Quaking Aspen (Popple)  

Populus tremuloides | Zones 1-7 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

Known for climate and soil adaptability, with gains of up to 5 feet per year, the Quaking Aspen Tree makes a statement. Especially since it boasts gorgeous fall color you'll love. And the Quaking Aspen is well-known for thriving in cold climates and poor soil.

Serviceberry - Alleghany

Serviceberry - Alleghany    

Amelanchier laevis | Zones 4-7 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained 

Alleghany Serviceberry is a small to medium, native understory tree.   In the early Spring it puts on a show of white flowers.   The edible purple-black fruit is a favorite of birds in the fall.

Serviceberry - Juneberry

Serviceberry - Juneberry (Shadblow / Juneberry) SOLD OUT FOR 2024    

Amelanchier alnifolia | Zones 4-7 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained 

Large shrub or small tree with beautiful fall colors. White spring flowers giving way to 1/4" fruit loved by birds.  Juneberries are very popular in Canada, where they are called Saskatoon berries. They have been grown on the Canadian prairies for consumption for more than 100 years. Very similar in taste and use to a blueberry.

Smooth Sumac

Smooth Sumac   

Rhus glabra | Zones 3-8 | Soil: Dry, Rocky, or Gravelly

The colony-forming smooth sumac is a short 10-20’ shrub.    Yellow-green flowers are followed by bright red berries in clusters that persist all though-out winter.   The Smooth Sumac is the only shrub species native to all of the lower 48 states.

Shagbark Hickory

Shagbark Hickory  SOLD OUT FOR 2024 

Carya ovata | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Moist, Well-Drained, Sandy

This Midwest native is named for its bark, which peels away in large pieces giving the tree a “shaggy” experience. As a member of the Walnut family, the Shagbark Hickory produces edible nuts.  Note:   Hickory are difficult to grow from seed.   We don’t normally carry smaller sizes like this, but in the interest of having SOME Shagbark available this is the largest available.

Speckled Alder

Speckled Alder 

Alnus incana | Zones 2-6 | Soil: Widely Adaptable (including very wet)

The Speckled Alder is a species of multi-stemmed, shrubby trees in the birch family.   It widely ranges across the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere.  This is a valuable species to plant along banks for erosion control.   Thickets provide cover for deer and other animals.   Prime Woodcock and Grouse habitat.

Staghorn Sumac

Staghorn Sumac   

Rhus typhina | Zones 4-8 | Soil: Dry, Rocky, or Gravelly

Staghorn sumac is often used in mass plantings, for naturalizing, or on steep slopes. Its open habit and hairy stems resemble horns on a male deer, giving staghorn sumac its name.   It is one of the last plants to leaf out in the spring with bright green leaves that change to an attractive yellow, orange, and scarlet in fall. Among the most recognizable characteristics are large, upright clusters of fuzzy red fruits that appear above the branches in late summer on female plants. They are highly appealing to birds.  

Thornless Honeylocust

Thornless Honeylocust  SOLD OUT FOR 2024  

Gleditsia triacanthos inermis| Zones 4-10 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

The Thornless Honeylocust is a large, highly adaptable, hardy, pest, and disease-free option.  Other shade trees have huge foliage that leave a big mess to clean up in autumn. The Honeylocust's leaves are small and delicate.  But though the leaves may be small, they still dazzle during fall. 


Winterberry  SOLD OUT FOR 2024   

Ilex verticilata| Zones 3-9 | Soil: Widely Adaptable 

A slower growing shrub with bright red fruit which ripens in late August and will hang on into January -  making for fantastic winter color. Adaptable to wet conditions and is native in swampy areas. Widely used in wreath decorating.

Winterberry is a dioecious species, meaning female flowers and male flowers grow on separate plants. To get berries on a female plant, a male plant must be near.  It is nearly impossible to sex a Winterberry at a young age, but law of averages says if you plant at least 10 you’ll get somewhat of a mix.